Minimum Use Policy



What is this bill for?

Arrick's Propane has expenses associated with every tank that we have in service. We have these expenses whether we sell 800 gallons of propane or zero gallons of propane through the tank. Some of these fixed costs include insurance for each tank, emergency answering services, tank maintenance, etc. If a customer purchases more than the minimum amount of gallons required then we waive this fee, however, if a customer does not we charge this fee to help cover these expenses.

How does it work?

If you purchased more than the “Minimum” gallons for your specific tank size then Arrick’s Propane waives your fee and there is no charge for using the tank.

If you purchase less than the “Minimum”, or if you purchase zero gallons during that time frame then Arrick’s Propane will send you a bill for the appropriate amount according to the chart below.

Minimum Usage and Non-Usage fee bills are mailed out in early April of each year.

If you get paperless statements your bill will be emailed at that same time.


How do you calculate the gallons I purchased?

Arrick's Propane totals the gallons that you purchased from April 1 through March 31. Customers are not eligible to receive a Minimum Usage Fee until after they have been a customer for an entire year. Customers that had a tank installed after April 1 do not receive a Minimum Usage Fee for the first year regardless of their usage.

For customers with a Prebuy Contract gallons only count as purchased when they are delivered. Undelivered Prebuy gallons are not counted towards your usage.

Why are you penalizing me for conserving energy?

Arrick's Propane supports energy efficiency and actually sells some of the most energy-efficient products on the market to our customers. However, if the minimum number of gallons was not purchased for your tank size then this fee must be paid to offset the cost of your tank being in service. Your water company charges a minimum even if you don’t use any water and the electric company charges you a minimum even if you don’t use any electricity. Arrick's Propane must also charge a fee if the minimum amount of propane was not purchased.

If I order now could you take this fee off my account?

This fee is for the year that ended on March 31st. Ordering now would not change the fact that you owe this fee; however, it will be calculated in the gallons for next year and may help you to avoid this fee next April.

I have never been charged before. Why did you add this new fee?

This is not a new fee at all. In fact, this fee has been in effect for over 35 years with very little change, however, because of rising costs, the fees have increased. There are two possible reasons that you may not have been charged this fee in the past. The first possible reason is that you have to be a customer for a full year before you are eligible to receive a minimum usage fee. Another possible reason is that in past years you may have purchased more than the minimum gallons of propane.

Have Questions About Our Fees or Policies? Contact your local office or click below.